335 | Business as a Force for Good and Impact Leadership with Catherine Bell

Catherine loves to help people, teams and organizations thrive. She is the CEO, Author and Founder of The Awakened Company. Catherine helps organizations create healthy corporate cultures through executive coaching, team strategy sessions, speaking and online webinars. She holds an MBA from Queen’s University and is an award winning Profit 500 Founder.

This episode is sponsored by the coaching company of the host, Paul Zelizer. Consider a Strategy Session if you can use support growing your impact business.

Resources mentioned in this episode include:

Impactful Leadership: Interview with Catherine Bell Transcript

NOTE: While it’s not perfect, we offer a transcript and the below summaries by Castmagic for those who are hearing impaired or who don’t find listening to a podcast enjoyable or possible.

You can read the full transcript of this episode here.

Key Topics and Bullet Points on Impactful Leadership

### Introduction to the Podcast

- Host Paul Zelizer introduces Awarepreneurs and its goals.

- Paul invites the audience to subscribe and review the podcast to spread the message of positive impact through values-based business.

### Introduction to the Guest: Catherine Bell

- Paul welcomes Catherine Bell, CEO and founder of the Awakened Company.

- Overview of Catherine’s background, including the acquisition of her former company, Blueair.

- Catherine expresses gratitude for Paul’s role in helping birth the Awakened Company.

- Catherine's motivations and vision for launching The Awakened Company.

### Significance of Leadership and Collective Mindset

- Catherine discusses the impact of labeling individuals as leaders or followers in emergency simulations.

- Introduction to a collective leadership mindset and the shift towards empowering others.

### The "4 i's" of Transformational Leadership

- Definition and explanation of the "4 i's":

- Idealized Influence

- Inspirational Motivation

- Intellectual Stimulation

- Individualized Consideration

- Emphasis on treating individuals as unique beings and empowering others.

### Organizational Culture and Positive Interactions

- Importance of cultivating a positive emotional bank account in teams.

- Discussion on appreciative inquiry and focusing on what’s going well.

### Upcoming Projects and Works

- Catherine talks about her upcoming books on creativity, awakening in the workplace, and her poetry book slated for 2025.

### Certification Program for Leaders

- Details of the new certification program by The Awakened Company.

- Aimed at helping leaders to remain grounded and intuitive.

- Goals of the program: create healthy and awakened organizations.

- Target audience: current leaders, potential coaches/facilitators, and organizations.

### Challenges and Solutions in Impact Leadership

- Addressing self-limiting beliefs influenced by patriarchy and toxic capitalism.

- Paul shares a case study of a CEO using compassion and emotional intelligence in impact leadership.

- Catherine emphasizes the importance of presence and responds to challenges methodically.

### The Role of Conscious Cultures in Business

- Catherine’s emphasis on practical tools tailored toward human and planetary issues over purely financial targets.

- Discussing the need for conscious corporate cultures to avoid a relentless pursuit similar to cancer growth.

### Strategies for Impact Leadership

- Practices for leaders to lean into impact leadership beyond financial goals.

- Differentiation between leadership styles: Laissez-faire, contingent reward, and transformational leadership.

### Future Discussions and Closing Remarks

- Hints at a future discussion on scaling the Awakened Company’s work.

- Paul reinforces the importance of self-awareness in high-performing leaders.

- Brief commercial for Paul’s strategy session package.

- Catherine and Paul express gratitude to the listeners.

- Encouragement to suggest topics and guests for future episodes via the Awarepreneurs website.

### Final Thoughts and Listener Engagement

- Paul acknowledges the challenging times and recommends seeking help from the Awaken Company facilitation team.

- Urges listeners to take care during intense times and thank them for their positive impact on the world.

Paul Zelizer