173 | Disruption in the Medical World and Launching a Purpose Based Business

EP 173 Renee Sunday.png

Our guest today on the pod is Dr. Renee Sunday.  Dr. Renee is an award winning 20 years practicing doctor in the area of Anesthesiology, a Media Coach, Self-help and Motivational Speaker, a Grief and Loss Counselor and an Ordained Minster.  She provides coaching and advice to over 197,000 individuals via her website, social media channels, and her Dr. Renee Sunday Podcast Show. 

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Dr Renee Sunday Awarepreneurs interview


Dr Renee Sunday, Paul Zelizer


Paul Zelizer  01:51

Hi this is Paul Zelizer and welcome to another episode of the Awarepreneurs podcast. This podcast is all about the intersection of three things conscious business, social impact and awareness practices. Each episode I do a deep dive interview with a thought leader in this intersection. Someone who has market tested experience and is already transforming many lives. Before I introduce today's guests and our topic, I have one request. If you could go over to iTunes or whatever app you're listening to the show on and do a rating and review. It helps tremendously. Today our guest is Dr. Rene Sunday and our topic is disruption in the medical world and launching a purpose based business. Dr. Ne is an award winning 20 years practicing doctor in the field of anesthesiology. She's immediate coach, self help and motivational speaker, a grief and loss counselor and an ordained minister. She currently provides coaching and advice to over 197,000 individuals with their website, social media channels, and her Dr. Rene Sunday podcast show. Dr. Rene, welcome to the show. Oh, thank you. I'm so excited to be here. Yeah, there's a lot we can talk about. I'm really looking forward to Dr. de birdcall. Here. We're called the were pioneers. And one of the ways we like to get to know somebody is to ask you about a wellness or an awareness practice that you personally use to bring your best self to Work Day after day, week after week.


Dr Renee Sunday  03:18

Oh, that's great, Paul. Well, actually, when I wake up in the morning, I'm really true. I know, you've heard many people say, write down or even say what you're grateful for. But I actually do that. And it actually centers me. And I do it before I actually put my you know, even get out of bed, I just make sure I do that. Because I am truly grateful just to be here in the world, and I can help other people. So I do my three gratitude, and I do my meditation. And I'm a music person. I love music. So that always brings me back to my summer as well. So I do a combination of them every morning and truthfully, I do that


Paul Zelizer  03:58

I love a gratitude practice. That's such a there's so much research on I'll put some of that down. But if anybody's curious about is this really work, is there any evidence? You know, me, listeners, I love neuroscience. And there is a ton of research about gratitude practice. I'll put that in the show notes. So Dr. Rene, from anesthesiologists to somebody who helps purpose based business, get their message out there. That's quite a journey. Tell us about that first part, your journey into the medical world.


Dr Renee Sunday  04:32

Wow, that's, that's great. I'll make it as short as I can. But I actually I come from very humble beginnings. I grew up in poverty. I did go through bullying so I can understand how going through that process and go over common in and my sister was my great, great role model among my parents as well. But I was that nagging little sister that everywhere she went I was that I know that maybe wasn't good for her. It's Time


Dr Renee Sunday  05:03

Great for me, Paul. But I was always in her books, I was always kind of gleaning from what her and her friends were talking about. And lo and behold, she's excellent family practice position as well. So I kind of was a front end, you know, ahead of people in regards to making my decision, because I knew I wanted to follow in her footsteps as being a physician. But I actually didn't want to put patients in the hospital. I know that sounds kind of, you know, like, what, but I actually wanted to make sure that the patient was smile and actually have been a part of the healing process. So I took a summer program, and it was to increase women and minorities actually, in the healthcare industry. And you know how life goes, it always works out, I was matched with the anesthesiologist, and she was just so amazing how she managed home and life and the things that meant so dear to her heart. And I followed in her footsteps and, and so it was no brainer, because I love you know, pharmacology physiology, how things actually work on our body. So it worked out for me to be in the field of anesthesia that we provide part of the healing process when people have product, you know, have procedures and they have surgeries. And so it was a natural flow for me to actually fall into that, because I had all of those milestones or people that came in my life, they helped me make that decision. What a beautiful thing. Like you're literally when your Nana sees when you're delivering anesthesia, you're like the last person that somebody sees before they go out to get a procedure and think of you there with kindness and care and wanting to be a force for healing and somebody headed into what could be a really scary procedure. Somehow, there's just warming my heart. I really appreciate that. Oh, you welcome. Yes, a lot of people with my last night being Sunday that that tends to bring excitement and joy. I mean, even if they think about the day of Sunday, where most people you know, the, you know, rest and then also with the Sunday that you eat is ice cream. So it usually brings joy to people just by me introducing myself. And one of my things that I really wanted in the feel of anestesia being a female, and especially making people relax. So I actually have been really, truly grateful to have a great bedside manner as well. And just talk like, not only are women but your black woman, there aren't too many women that look like you and health care if you go back 20 plus years, right? Is that fair to say? Yes, that's actually I have been in many circles, that they say, Wow, you're a rarity. And, you know, it actually makes me feel good inside that I can be that example, that role model. And to let people know that, you know, no matter where you came from, of course, me and privative me being a, you know, a lady and being an African American, you can still do whatever you put your mind to. So I just celebrated that I actually can represent that and represent it well.


Paul Zelizer  08:11

20 plus years career medicine. And you know, this is an advanced specialty in medicine, I can only imagine how much training like years and years of school 20 plus years winning awards, representing and, you know, being a model for young women and African Americans medicine, and I don't even know like how many thousands of patients to do work within those 20 years.


Dr Renee Sunday  08:35

That's amazing, actually, that they do keep up with that number, but I tend to, because some days, I'd be transparent some days, I can do you know, one case of the cases, you know, Wednesday, maybe six or seven hours, and some days when they showed up procedures, you know, like a colonoscopy we can do sometimes up to 60 a day. So it's been a massive, it's been a lot of people, but I share this everyone on my told people, when I teach people, I always say I treat every patient, like they my family member. So I actually take time with them, I will make sure that they understand and know that they are getting the best care. But if I keep that and I tell people, if you keep that as the forefront, like you're taking care of your family, you're going to do what's right, you're going to make sure that none you know, things happen, you know, but we got to make sure that nothing happens that we can actually, you know, control in the medical environment.


Paul Zelizer  09:32

And the first part of our title today is disruption in the medical world. Like even before this current pandemic, there is a lot of change going on in the medical world talk a little bit about like, what we're and we'll get to COVID-19 and what might be happening now. But even before that, what were you seeing that you were starting to think you know, I want to put my attention in another direction, what kind of disruption we were seeing and What were some of the challenges you're running into? acida?


Dr Renee Sunday  10:03

Well, that's kind of interesting. Great, great question, Paul. But, you know, we went through a major change in our life, you know, when the real estate in the stock market did all this thing back in the day, and it happened in the medical field as well, that a lot of people lost their jobs, a lot of people lost their investments. And me personally, I'm, I lost my job, not for skill set, I have to let people know that. But I went from six figures to zero and one day, I mean, literally 24 hours, I went in and had to do the whole day. And, and they fired really all of the anesthesiologists, because just to let you know, the behind the scenes, usually, most places can get four nurses, and that's nurses that do anesthesia. For one medical doctor that's trained in anesthesia, not saying they're gonna do you know, a better job, not a good job, those things, but actually, on a business standpoint, they can get four people for the price of one medical physician that's been certified in anesthesia. And that's what happened. And it happened not once, but twice, two, in my situation. And I but I knew all along, Paul that I had something burning inside that I wanted to give back to the world. So I always was doing something in the community at the same time. But when this happened, it really like lit a fire under me that I really need to look, you know, inside myself and see what else that I have to offer the world. And that's how I ended up doing, you know, other things that we'll talk about, you know, in regards to entrepreneurship, but really the things that I did in my business that I do in regards to being an anesthesiologist, it stems right over to the things that I'm doing in the world now. But the medical field went through and just like the world did, but it just wasn't publicized as much as it was in the real estate and investment industry. So there's just a massive disruption. And then that disruption, you know, your award winning is dollars and cents. They said, Well, we really like Dr. Rene, but we can pay for nurses who you know, can get the job done, they might not have as much advanced training or if something goes wrong, but this is the direction we're going. And thanks, Dr. renay, here's your certificate or your card. And you know, goodbye. And what would you say to somebody you know, with COVID, and the environmental disruption that we're seeing Dr. And a, we saw many people are finding, they're dealing with their own disruptions. So many people, if we have a listener, who's in that situation right now, like, oops, I had a decent livelihood, I was paying my bills, just great. And now it's gone. What would you say to somebody who's in that situation right now. That's Oh, that's amazing, Paul, because you know, this is this would be really my second disruption, right? Major disruptions, I will say, Please, please, please hang in there. Um, things will get better. I and me with my grief black ground, your norm that you had, then you, we have to have that lightbulb experience. That's what I call it, to actually create a mother type of norm, if you want to call it that. Because you are still the same person, you still have a lot to give to the world. And in some people right now needs the gifts and the products and services, you have a business inside, they need that for them to get to the next level in life. So when I realized that that makes you want to work harder if you want to, you know, it actually wants you to really walk out your purpose, the things that you and dreams you have inside, that we haven't stepped out on faith to actually do. So this is a great time with all of us being inside all of us being you know, because I'm a great I love to travel. So the things that we have been limitate you know, and we really can't do right now. We can actually get lunch, whatever is inside of us, if it's a business, writing a book is start a nonprofit, whatever we have inside of us, we actually can do it. So first of all, just don't give up on yourself. Please don't. We just need to adjust. And I think a lot of people in the medical and in the business arena, I've heard the magic word of pivot. Well, yes, you can pivot because we're a complex people, right? Our mind does amazing things at one time we breathe and don't even realize when we need to take a deep breath. And so that in regards don't give up. Number two, don't beat yourself up if you actually are frustrated, but do I do want to put a pin there to make a caveat. Please talk to someone. Don't keep all this stuff inside and they may be a family member. It may not be a family, maybe a friend or it could be someone that's in the medical arena. It's okay to talk to someone and just get you know, get those feelings out because you know if we don't get those feelings out about negative, it actually will get in our mind it will get in our spirit and then we will actually do an action based on what we have kept inside. So those are the things that I will say off the top is that because people we need each other, you may have heard of the cliche that says, it does take the whole village and it really does all of us. We need each other. We, you know, relationships, we need to have someone that we can say we love that person. I mean, you know, and all of that comes together. And that's what I think we need to do. We need to make sure we look out for each other and all succeed together at the same time.


Paul Zelizer  15:38

Thanks for that great advice, Dr. Ne and listeners, if you've been listening to the show Anyway, you heard about my spiritual highlighter on a pull out my spiritual highlighter. If you're new to the show, basically, sometimes I just like to circle or highlight what somebody said, because I just want to emphasize indoctrinate, you said four things that really came through if somebody is in a disruption right now. And so many of us are four things came through loud and clear. The first one, you said don't give up on yourself, right. And I just want to share disclose, not so much that I got disrupted. But my first career was in community mental health, and I burned out like just total crispy, couldn't do it anymore. 15 years of awesome work, I get to just do incredible things in underserved communities and just learn a lot and help families with their young people who were struggling and learn about restorative justice and travel. And it was incredible. And when I was done, I was crisp. And I wasn't like I was broke social worker, I couldn't retire, right. So I had to reinvent myself. And I was I didn't know what to do. So anyway, these four whether it's like, in your case, doctor, and a you got let go of a very well paying job or you're burned out or for whatever reason, you are feeling like it's time to go in another direction, these four suggestions. Number one, don't give up on yourself. I heard you say, number two, I heard you say, Don't beat up on yourself. Number three, talk to somebody. And number four, walk into your purpose lean in there, it will guide you That doesn't mean it's all gonna be rainbows and unicorns and puppies. And super, it was it was a, you know, a bit of a chaotic time for me to reinvent myself from social worker to social entrepreneur, there was a lot of skills I had to learn was a network I had to build. But I couldn't agree with those four things anymore. So thank you, Dr. D, for that really wise advice.



You welcome.


Paul Zelizer  17:42

So talk to us about your reinvention. So okay, you go in and you no longer aren't a senior genealogist, right, it's time to go in a different direction. How did you get interested in this whole field of purpose based business? And what were some of your first steps in that direction?


Dr Renee Sunday  18:02

Wow, that's amazing. I'm glad you asked that, Paul, the first thing I had to realize, and I'm kind of piggybacking off with the four things we just talked about, I had to really search myself and to see what I was really passionate about what I really wanted to offer to the world. And one thing that I always can do is the things that I have learned the things that I have been through. And that's kind of where I kind of evolved, because I had been through grief. So I actually took other trainings to be a grief counselor. And I actually was very successful in my business as being an anesthesiology because we still have a business side of it, even though we're doing physical hands on service to our patients. So I actually was able to take training to actually know how to be, quote, unquote, really a business coach, I call myself the platform builder, because I help people build platforms. And that's what we need to do is build a solid foundation about business. So it was kind of natural for me to just flow into that because that's what I, you know, I was doing, but let me tell you this, I'm gonna let you guys know, let's be, you know, be transparent. I had to really keep an eye on my emotions because I was used to being in the medical field and in the medical field, let me tell you what happens in the medical field. A lot of times, yes, we have to make, you know, decisions. We have to make rational decisions when you say that, but we actually it's a fact based FA CTS, meaning that if I do one, you know, the doses are already there. We make the doses of the medication based on what the patient weighs, right, what the patient tolerance is. So it's not saying this textbook but it's actually it's step 12345 in a way is it's the same is repeated over and over but we change what we're doing based on it. Guess what I patient saw the same thing I'm actually doing business. But at first I didn't see it, I didn't see it at first, Paul. And I actually had to get a mentor coach to pull that out of me that pretty much I'm doing the same things, I do an operating room that I'm actually doing in the things that I'm doing initially, and the things that I'm doing now. So that was amazing. Because even that 510 minutes that I'm talking to the patient, helping them relax. That's what I'm doing, even in media, the same thing. So I have to really catch on that that I did have a lot of greatness inside. But I did have to get assistance from a mentor and coach. And we know that what Oprah, everybody Tony Robbins, we can name only known that all of them talk about having a coach. So I had to apply that to my life as well.


Paul Zelizer  20:50

So there was some repurposing of your skills you already had. But I hear you saying doctor and azd had more than the average doctor inclination to building rapport and emotional intelligence and really listening for the particular needs of each patient. And you leverage that skill, bringing the care of this person and thinking about them. It's not like a cookie cutter approach to building a platform or growing a business, you're thinking about this individual that's in front of me and your skill set at doing that thousands and thousands of patients, you don't get a lot of time to build relationship as a doctor, because of the, you know, pressures of how many people you need to see in a day. But somehow you learn to how to keep that relational strength. And you brought that into business and that ability to assess quickly what each person needs. And a mentor helped you say this. Isn't that different? Dr. Day? Is that what I'm hearing something like that?


Dr Renee Sunday  21:51

Yes, yes. Yes, you actually, the thing is, you know, you may have heard people say you have to hone in on your craft, and you actually have to make sure that you are forever learner. And that's pretty much what it is. And Anastasia we have to in the medical field in general, we have to continue to make sure we learn more things about the body, learn more things about the things that we're doing in regards to medication. And it's the same thing we're doing and the things that you're doing and your purpose. And regardless if it's if it's basket weaving, or is it coaching people to go to the next level, and they like it is pretty similar, but we just use an a different vehicle, if you will.


Paul Zelizer  22:33

So how did you land on the platform builder? Like that's a such a fabulous description, and I've been a business coach for 13 years. I don't think anybody has ever called themselves that in my 13 years of doing business, like why building platforms? Why are you so passionate about that?


Dr Renee Sunday  22:53

That's a great question. But and I have to I have to let you know the truth behind it. My 11 year old at that time, cousin, actually pin that name, see. So she was doing Brandon at 11. Okay, we were just a real quick story. We were at a mall. And you know how if you can imagine in the atrium of a lot of malls, they have fashion shows. And since our whole family was together, we asked the young man, that was actually the security. Could we just take a picture up there real quick? He said, Yes. And I even take the picture for you. And I'm like, Oh, great. And so we went up. And as we were going up to step because we was having a conversation of what do I call myself, you know, and my niece said in a beautiful art Nay, because they called me on name. You should be the platform, because we were walking up on that, you know, the platform to actually take the picture. But she said, because you help people and you connect people, and you help them develop a business that they won't have any, you know, mishap. So you know, she didn't say all that. But pretty much that's what it was that she knew our 911 year old, she'd know that I'm like, wow, you know that I help people and help them build a solid foundation for a business. So I was amazed. So that's how it actually worked out. But it actually a lot of people know me as the platform builder more than my name, Dr. Rene or Dr. Sunday. They remember that because they say wait a minute, I'm really building a platform that I can actually help other people in regardless of what the genre is. So it actually I love it as I talk to her all the time. And it's so amazing. Now she actually that's what she does. She actually is she does branding. A lot of businesses.


Paul Zelizer  24:44

That's so beautiful. I love that story. Thank you to your niece but a beautiful story. So let's do this. Let's take a quick break. And when we come back, Dr. And I want to hear exactly how you do that. But first a word from our sponsor. Do you have a business that's about making the world a better place. And you want it to grow, you want to help more people and you want to grow your income so you can live a good life. One of the best ways that I know how to do that combination, help more people make the world a better place and make sure that you have enough to live on and live well is by podcasting. Dr. renay right now is in the guest seat, I'm in the hot seat, we're going to hear Dr. And A's podcast, she's also in the hot seat. Whichever seat you want to be in, you want to be a guest you want to be a host or you want to do both podcasting is a fabulous way to grow and impact business. And let me share why the average podcast episode is 43 minutes long. Think about that for a second. If time to get into the depth and nuance, not a 13 word meme on Instagram or, you know, 17 second Facebook ads video, you can really share in depth about the nuances of your business. And people can really connect with what you're doing and why you're doing it. And the various offerings you have, you can share value and you have time to be relational, it's not rushed, you can really do a deep dive. That's what podcast audiences want. They expect and they long for. So if you'd like to learn how to be more effective at growing and impact based business, either as a guest or as a host, where printers has a podcast success team, I invite you to go check it out at aware printers.com podcast dash success. And thank you so much to everybody who sponsors this podcast. So Dr. And he talked to us a little bit about what your business looks like. Now, in the second half of the show, we'd like to talk about putting on our entrepreneur glasses, right? Like, specifically, who do you tend to work with now? And then we'll talk about what are some of the ways you work with them?


Dr Renee Sunday  26:55

Oh, great question, Paul. Because Because, you know, when you start off you sound


Paul Zelizer  27:00

right, and then you try to help everybody you ain't gonna help nobody, right?


Dr Renee Sunday  27:05

You. But pretty much what I do is I work with it's usually women, small business owners, that actually, I mean, they really feel frustrated that they not being visible, that they actually not standing out of the crowd, if you will. And we the vehicle we use to do that is through media, you know, through your your amazing platform, and, you know, television magazines, being in blogs and those types of things. And really also honing in and getting them leads. I mean, social media is amazing. But are we actually leveraging it to the point that we can get leads to meaning people into your tribe, you may have heard people say it that way. And so that's what I do pretty much in my little tagline. I say, I help small business owner, increase visibility and get leads so they can be seen be heard, and also get paid.


Paul Zelizer  28:01

So it's women business owners, and like they know their business, you're not necessarily like, oh, Dr. Ne, I want to have a business, but I don't know what to do. You might have some not. But that's not your primary person. They have some sense of what the business is. And if you they want to help, but they're they haven't yet gotten the kind of visibility that's really going to bring in the kind of leads that's gonna move the needle on getting paid. Is that fair to say?


Dr Renee Sunday  28:24

Yeah, that's wonderful. I love it. Paul. That's great.


Paul Zelizer  28:27

Cool. So talk to us about media. Why are you passionate about media and like, what happens when somebody gets better at leveraging TV leveraging magazines like leveraging podcasts? What what happens to women business owner who says, Okay, I'm gonna learn how to get better, and they do some work to get better. And then what does their business look like after they do that work?


Dr Renee Sunday  28:49

Well, that's amazing. And I do want to make a little joke is, we do have some brave man his way


Paul Zelizer  28:57

out, hi, you can't get out of here. We do have


Dr Renee Sunday  29:00

some brave man, as well. But But what it does is actually, um, you probably seen so many people website and social media says, as seen on that, and that actually increase your credibility. And actually, you've heard people say that have, you know, just that status, if you will, that expert status, but it actually it can I mean, it can blow you away, if you're not prepared. I just want to put that pin out there. So you got to be ready. If you know, let's say enter the top podcasts, the top TV and radio shows, all those people gonna come and follow you. They don't want your products and services. So always make sure that my clients they back in can can can, you know, handle it? Because myself when I was on Oprah Winfrey's platform, I mean, I mean, people just brought the books like, I mean, I saw a lot of books literally an hour, okay. So I'm grateful that my back end could handle it, but you got to make sure and when send it back in is when people buy your products and services, you need to be able to fulfill it and also give them the actual product that they bought. So we make sure that, you know, in alignment, of course of their mission and their goals, and then we get them out immediately. I know a lot of people are nervous about being on camera, and being able to really tell the story. But after you continue to do it, and Paul does, the thing is, and I love your platform that you know that you're helping someone else, you know that you actually happened, someone else actually moved forward in a business. So usually we can do it, you know, do it nervous. And then your confidence is blows out of the park, as the kids say, you actually feel confident in what you believe in what you're actually serving the world to. And that just continues on and on. What that means is, as you announced, so amazingly, you want to be on the podcast, you want your own podcast, you want your own TV show, that you can actually be a beacon of light for other people's that they can actually get the story out to the world. So that's what usually happened, it actually makes you a household name, if you want to call it that, because people love to see you on television, and magazines. And it actually allows you to actually hold me in on the actual clients that you actually want to serve.


Paul Zelizer  31:23

That's such a great way to talk about a doctor a, you know, our printers podcast has been up and running about a little over three years. And now we get between two and 300 pitches a week to 300 pitches a week. And now that you know, I've started talking about guesting on more shows I get invited to more shows than I can do. So you know, and every time I do it, somebody emails or messages, oh, that tip you suggested or that was just really fun like it, you're helping people along the way. And also, every time I do a show, now, either side of the mic, chances are really good that the amount of getting paid goes up as well. So like I love podcasting. Every time somebody comes on my show, or every time I go on somebody else's show, like it's helping people and like I am able to take care of my family, I'm able to have money to hire people. And to you know, give I just we had a recent guest, Theo Henderson, and I could join his Patreon, his podcast, we the unhoused fabulous podcast, it's about how unhoused people are using podcasting as an advocacy tool. And what he's doing to get the word out about people who are literally don't even have a home, that they're figuring out how to use podcasting, and like, I can go and help people. And I have the resources to do that. I'm so grateful for that. So anyway, I just can't, I used to be afraid of it. And now it's like, oh, my gosh, I get to talk to Dr. Nate or I get to interview Theo or I can help out this person. So I just want to again, highlight what he was saying doctrine. It's such an incredible experience to kind of find your right relationship with media tools, and then growing your businesses and about pitching somebody or manipulating them. It's just about being in relationship and telling stories and giving hints and suggestions and tips that they can meet their goals. And it's quite a sacred relationship.


Paul Zelizer  33:27

So how do you do that? Like, how do you help somebody? There's there's some coaching you do you've done talks like what are some you have your own podcast that I want to hear about Dr. And a? What are some of the ways that you like in a very granular way? Say, again, there's if men are welcome, we're not gonna throw them out the door, but mostly women business owners? How are they learning from Doctor in a Sunday about how to use media more successfully to be in front of more people and to get paid more money?


Dr Renee Sunday  33:57

Well, we actually, I have several ways. A lot of times people want one on one coaching, I still do some of that. But majority of the time I do a lot of group coaching. Because I love group coaching. I mean, back in the day when everybody will say you got to do one on one first, I was one of those people that want to start with group coaching. Before I did one on one, because the thing is, it works if you're going to be in a leadership role. Let me just say that just in essence, honesty, but you actually be able to everyone who's in the room can actually help each other by the energy now, but if you don't control that energy, meaning Don't let the energy go down, it actually it's a win win. It's kind of like what you hear a lot of people talk about masterminds. And so I like that model best but we do have a lot of people that actually want to do one on ones, and I really just listened to them. I have one thing I have learned Paul Really in this coaching space, is you got to be a great listener, you really do and you have to be great with axing question. And that works well in media because we always ask the guest questions. So and so you know, it works out for me. But you act because a lot of people like that in my own life, I didn't know I had it inside. So a lot of times, we're not tapping in if you will have our secret sauce, you probably heard people say that, because we want to do what the next person is doing. And really, you know, the amazing guests you've had, you've seen when they tap to peel back the layers, that they were very successful in the things that they thought people wouldn't, you know, want to hear, or people would want to pay their products and services. So that's how a lot of the initial consultation is that just hearing out what they dream missions, and what they want to do to really help the world. And then also, we actually take care of the things that they don't say publicly, you know what I'm saying. So a lot of people, they may want to do it. So they cannot do a nine to five, for example, they may want to do it just to be a legacy for a children's children. Other people may just want to do it because they don't want to let's be honest, they may not want to work for someone else. So we actually peel back that layer all the way that we can see what really drives them. Because we need to know that when you're not having a so called Good day. But after that, we actually have a strategic customized plan that's took their business to their secret sauce. And media loves that, as we know what is the million and I may be not correct with that number, but over a million different podcasts and alone, not even talking to other media outlets. So guess what they're looking for you. And we just got to give them that information. I like how you said it, Paul, and not in a selling way. But just that you want to share your message with the world to be able to help the audience to be able to help the masses that they asked you can I always say this, Paul, this little nugget, if you can help someone smile, I people don't realize that if I can help you smile, and I have to bring my medical background it releases hormones, endorphins, in your in your brain. And then you are excited. Next thing you know you have completed the whole task, because you're excited, then what happens next, you want to do something else. That's just how our body works. So if you can help someone smile, they actually next thing you know, they've done all the things they supposed to did a whole year ago, a whole 10 years ago. And that's kind of the motto that we do. We do it from the heart, but the key is really transformation.


Paul Zelizer  37:41

To do some work one on one, you do as much work as you can. I love groups, two groups are awesome. And see two good portion of your working groups Dr. Na, and another way you're personally out there is your podcast. Tell us about your podcast. When did you start it? And why did you start it?


Dr Renee Sunday  38:00

Oh, that's a great question. I actually started out in syndicated radio. Yeah, we probably don't remember what that is.


Paul Zelizer  38:09

Or what that is. Yeah, I heard every one of these gray hairs. Yeah. Somebody doesn't know what it is. But explain what that is.


Dr Renee Sunday  38:18

Oh, actually, you know what we used to turn out only think those cars have radios in it now. We used to have am FM radio. And what that to make it syndicated. You have to have X amount of listeners and so minutes shows and sponsors. So the show started out as good deeds. We used to go around the world and talk to people that did good deeds, you know, not the good deeds that you may see publicly. But it was a combination of you just pay for the person in front of you fool in your local restaurant. And so we spotlighted them and that actually evolved into a good these magazine good these television. And when podcasting came on the scene really in 20 by 2013, we changed our model, because I started doing more things, you know, and more things in the community, more things, still doing anestesia part time. And so I had a major we were really grateful to get a major sponsor that actually said, Have you ever thought about just changing at least your podcast to your name, because you've been out there and you have, you know, credibility? People trust what you say? And I'm like, Well, no, I haven't thought about that. And so that's how the doctor in a Sunday show podcast came. Because someone actually, you know, a company wanted to invest in us and they wanted to pay you a bunch of money. Yes. And they actually pointed out a great thing that I didn't even you know, with Sunday, people would love to hear things about doctor in a Sunday. And so pretty much what we do is motivate and encourage and give entrepreneur tips. You know, so like what we've been talking about is so they can go to They mix lover and they business that they could actually feel whole and what they doing because it all starts in the mind. So we do a lot of the things that we sometimes may not want to talk about is what is our mindset really doing. And then of course, we you do tips and strategies that they can actually implement in a business right away. For you know, you may have heard people say, for a quick win, but you got to have a win because you actually be motivated to do the next step.


Paul Zelizer  40:27

Nice. So that was 2013. So you're pretty early to the podcast game.


Dr Renee Sunday  40:33

Yeah, so I used to do a mall live. Now, you know how the model is now has shifted a little bit with that. We still do it twice a week, we still have kept that model. And but I enjoy it. I really enjoy listening to other people's story or the people's, you know, journey in life because it you know what, it actually helps me a lot, Paul. And I know, it helps the audience as well.


Paul Zelizer  41:01

So Dr. Lee, one of the things that I'm kind of well known for is I like to call it your featured marketing channel. And as somebody who's thought a lot about media and platform building, tell me if this makes sense. Or if you have a different thing that you teach your clients, which I'm totally fine with. That's the case. But basically what I say, as small business owners, you know, it's not like, sometimes you hear people say, You're supposed to be everywhere, right? He's supposed to be on YouTube, and you should be on Instagram, and you should be on LinkedIn, and you should have a podcast and like, and you should have a newsletter, because email marketing still has great ROI, right? All of that's great. But like most small business owners just can't be everywhere, or at least not very well. So one of the things I like to teach clients, or when people ask me, if I'm on a podcast show, or whatever, I say, pick one and make that your featured one. It doesn't mean you can't be another as of course, you're going to want more than one. But be mindful how many you pick and let people know kind of what that one is like for you. Your podcast is obviously been I just went to two podcast episodes a week in May, right. So I doubled down and said, this is on the website, you can see it go where printers like that's what shows, it's our podcast, it doesn't say our YouTube channel or doesn't say us on LinkedIn says our podcast, and I'm kind of planting my flag in terms of how I'm going about building my platform. Is that anything similar to what you teach your clients? Or how do you help your clients like make sense, there's just so many different ways to be out there can be in magazines, or you can start a YouTube channel or whatever, how do you help people not get overwhelmed with all of those choices?


Dr Renee Sunday  42:45

I totally agree with you, Paul, I think we are Rarity, I usually tell you know, when we go through there, you know who they actually want to serve, and feel comfortable in serving, though, you know, those people and then you know, because all social media kind of have a different, you know, demographics. And so we pick that one and then after that one, we maximize we make an add some more knee in and you know course when they start getting a good return on investment, we can even add in a virtual system or something to help with that. But I totally agree with you in regards of starting with one, Master that and then you can kind of extend your wings if you after you actually mastered that one. And then the key is I have to say master kind of in a in a in a whisper voice because it changes all the time. So you have to be comfortable with that. And then you can extend to the other different because every day is a new social media, you know platform.


Paul Zelizer  43:45

Right? So when you know when you're one like I'm not on Tick Tock I can you build a business on Tick Tock? Absolutely. Am I gonna know I've got a podcast that has a lot of traction. And I don't know maybe someday, like you said, I'll pay a virtual assistant to like figure out how to get aware printers on Tick tock, probably not gonna happen, right. So I'm so glad that you're helping people get kind of fine there, right relationship with social media and all these channels because they're incredibly powerful, but they can also be really overwhelming. So take good care yourself listeners and find that place where it's right for you and your ideal client like Dr. Day, sir. What about being a guest doctor and a you've helped people get into all kinds of like magazines, TV shows podcasts? Like when do you ask people to start thinking about that part of leveraging the platforms that other people have built like somebody gets on your show? You've been doing it for seven or eight years and even before that you've done a lot of other things. You've built the platform and you don't, you're wise woman, you're a smart businesswoman. You're not careless with that platform. You're thoughtful about who you have on it. And when somebody comes on it, they're speaking to an audience that really loves doctor nice And they're gonna listen to episode after episode week after week, month after month, there's already an audience there. How do you help people decide how to be a guest on other people's platforms? Find the right platforms, and when in the journey of building a small business is that, you know, what's the right time to do that?


Dr Renee Sunday  45:20

Wow, that's a great question. Paul. I always just in general, I would media, I took people to try to always start local when I mean, local is, you know, people that you listening to, you know, right now, or if you're talking about television, you know, your local television networks, your local bus, their radio out there, see our credo, and you know, your local magazines, what really want you talking about podcasts, there's so many, you really need to know what genre you're in. And when I say that, you know, you're gonna be talking about animals, you're gonna talk about entrepreneurship, you're gonna talk about, you know, whatever the subject matter is, because you need to be familiar with the platform. I always say, you know, because it's so interesting that we get a lot of people pitching, but they have no idea. They'll ask questions like, how long is it? And I'm like, well, they will look.


Paul Zelizer  46:19

There's this wonderful thing called iTunes. And you can see how long an episode is right there. Right? Yeah, right, totally here. So


Dr Renee Sunday  46:26

the first thing I always tell people first is have respect, you got to have respect, because I always go back to the, you know, again, I'm saying you don't want to lose on Oprah Winfrey's platform, I was really a newbie at that point. But the great thing, I had a great social media presence. So they gave us a chance. So we were right there with the big boys over women's pipe. But the thing about it that I always make a reference of that, I couldn't change what she had on her platform. So when you own somebody else's platform, one, respect that number two, you need to be familiar with it. So you could be in that vein of worth a mission and they goes on, because if you're not believing in the same, not the same thing, but similar or what they believe SAR, that's not gonna work out good for you. And then the other thing is, especially if you're a podcaster, yourself, or in media is never, never never, I know, it's hard to say that in this world is over top the whole at this point, you're Yes, you're not the host, you know, and so a lot of people have trouble adjusting that, because at this point, you're, you're you're there for the audience, you're not there for yourself. So it takes some research which iTunes have made and you said it earlier have made it so nice for us because they haven't broken down that you can pick what genre you're in. And then you can actually go to the person's, their information and see what they what they stand for and what they don't and then guess what every website that I know of have a contact button. And every podcast have a way that you get in contact with people. And that's when you send them not not a whole though, send them a whole book and don't send them a home, just two or three lines. And then they actually were reaching back out to see if you you know what else they need to make a decision if you're a guest, but I keep I'm gonna say this again, Paul is if you have the mind that you respect, that will go a long way because that that means you're gonna actually respect what the whole says even though you may have been on another show and it was longer or shorter, you talked about other different things, respect their platform, and then the next thing is, whatever information they need, please just send the information. A lot of times people get upset because they don't have all the things you know together. And so we can it's okay to you know, say give me a couple of days I get it together just be honest. And then the last thing I want to say about this when you actually pin you know on the show, have fun and when they send you the link please promote it I mean what's the point of being on a platform if you're not going to help the market that you will actually own their platform? And you know that goes a long way because they know if you actually help them promote the you know the broadcast or not so but just have fun in the process but I you know, I'm gonna say it one more time Paul respect.


Paul Zelizer  49:24

Peter Paul, and I love what you're saying right if you come on and and be that kind of guests, be thoughtful, be delivered a lot of value promoted after the show. Most hosts you know, people who have magazines no other people have magazines people have to Oprah knows other people who have TV shows, right? Dr. renay knows other people that has podcasts so if you're a great guest on doctor and he shows a really good chance, like be a really good gas and all those steps you just outlined doctor and a, there's a good chance you're gonna notice it and you might just say hey, you know, I just had this great guest I'd love to tell you about it. So it can open doors for you as well. All those great steps. So Dr. Annie, these are really pointed times this confluence of crises that we find ourselves in with the COVID-19. And the social unrest, you know, Oh, God, our police are a mess. And some of the actions they're taking the economic crisis are dealing, it is just like, wow, wow, what are some of the specific things you're teaching your clients about? How to build a platform how to grow a business in this exact moment, which isn't quite like any other moment in our lifetime?


Dr Renee Sunday  50:37

That's a great question, Paul, up. Actually, before cobit pretty much since I've been in, um, and media, I've always told my clients to always have online presence. So so most majority of my clients were all already they were ready, because they already were doing you know, something online, they had a store, they did Facebook Lives, or they did something on the online presence. So it was kind of easy for them to shift totally 100% to online. And a lot of people wasn't there. And I you know, I'm sorry that they wasn't because this is what the world was gone before COVID happened. But the thing about it is, you can still do it Don't you know, again, don't give up, you know, get the right mentorship and coaching that you can transfer the things that you're doing, and your brick and mortar, you know, outside into what you can do it online, the amazing platforms out there, you know, a lot of them that you can still do, you know, streaming you can you go, you can actually be right there, and still have that great experience. So that's what we really had, we didn't have to shift a lot, to be honest, because we already had a lot of things in place online. The thing about it is I told people to realize that your audience is going through the same thing you're going through, they are pivoting in this season. Everybody knows someone that has had the diagnosis. And a lot of people may know people, Paul that actually have, you know, passed away during this time. I think we need to get back to the grassroot. And I know y'all say y'all may sound too young to be saying that word. But I think we do need to do that we need to really hone in on now secret sauce, what people some people call out genius, if you will, to actually know you are here to help people, what you have inside and what you're doing, can affect so many people. And don't you know, don't worry, I always said don't worry about the income, the money will come when you do the right things. So I think that's the main thing that we really, and that's part of my business in a way model is is if you do the right thing, money would not even come to you, they just gonna run you down. And so we really didn't have to change a lot, because we already had a major online presence as well.


Paul Zelizer  52:57

Dr. Day, I could hang out with you all day. But I won't do that to you. And I don't want to do that to our listeners, if there was something you were hoping we'd get to, we'll put all the links, your coaching, the podcast, your website, etc. If there is something you were that you were hoping we'd get to, and we haven't gotten to it yet, or there is something you wanted to leave our listeners with us, we say goodbye. What would that be?


Dr Renee Sunday  53:22

Hmm. But first of all, Paul, I want to salute you and celebrate you in the things that you're doing to change the world. I wanna, I want to sit at it first. And I know your audience tell you so many times and your family and friends, but I want to celebrate you and the things that you do and then continue to change and impact the world. But I want to let your audience know that as well. The things that you're doing that and they easily achievable by you. But guess what that definition is, is that is purpose because it's easier achievable by you. But for someone else is a headache. It's a nightmare, you know, but it's time more than ever before for you to do the things that you have inside of you the dreams your goals and of course your purpose and destiny in life. And just you know it does take the whole village So reach out to whoever is in your tribe Are you know Paul knows so many people and you know myself as well, that can help you achieve those goals in life. Because right now so many people don't know if they come in, you know going left or right. But what I do want to let you know that you do have a purpose and you do have a calling. You have a reason that you here right now. And I always say these three things all we believe in yourself. Trust yourself and trust the process and also do an actionable step. I call it walk it out. You got to do something. Because that when you do something it actually will make another response that actually it'll make it happen. So I speak success over all everyone is listening I love you. And thank you so much for being in your purpose,


Paul Zelizer  55:04

Dr. Renee, thank you so much for being on the show today.


Dr Renee Sunday  55:09

Thank you so much.


Paul Zelizer  55:10

So again, we'll put all the links to everything we mentioned, and go check out a doctor. And as doing go check, go listen to her show, please do yourself a favor, just an awesome host, and they do incredible things on the show. Before we think about I do want to just remind you, we now do two episodes a week we drop on early in the morning on Tuesdays and Thursdays. And we'd love listener suggested topics and guests. So if you have a suggestion, just go to the aware printers website, go to our contact page, just like Dr. Rene said, we have one of those contact pages and tell us your ideas for who we should be talking to, because we want this podcast to work. For now. I just want to say thank you so much for listening, please take really good care in these points of times. And thank you for all the positive impact that you're working

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Awarepreneurs is a popular conscious business and social entrepreneurs podcast.  You can find out more about our community at Awarepreneurs.com

Paul Zelizer